FileBack PC 4.1
Fast & Flexible Backup Software for Microsoft Windows
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FileBack PC Command Line Backups

This utility may be run from an MS-DOS prompt as long as Windows is running, or any Windows program capable of launching programs.  The format of the command line is as follows:

FileBack.exe [option(s)] [identifier(s)]

The following options are available:

/shutdown Shuts down FileBack PC at completion of the backup.
  -s Suppress all dialog boxes, using default options

If the /shutdown option is not specified, FileBack PC will be shutdown if it was not running before the command-line utility is run, or left running if it was running beforehand.

"Identifiers"  can be any combination of the following:

  Configuration File Name of a configuration file to be used by FileBack PC.  File extension must be FBCfg.
Backup Job ID This is an 8-digit hexadecimal number, shown in the Advanced Backup Job Editor in the upper right-hand corner of the window (the backup ID will never change, even if the description and options do change.)
Backup Job Description The description line, as specified in the backup job editor, and shown in on the "Backup Jobs" page of the main FileBack PC window.  If this description contains a space, the entire name must be enclosed in "double-quotation" marks.
Group ID This is an 8-digit hexadecimal number, which is not shown visually anywhere in FileBack PC.  If you wish to know what your group IDs are, please e-mail a copy of your configuration file to MOS.
Group Name The name of an existing backup group.  If this name contains a space, the entire name must be enclosed in "double-quotation" marks.


FileBack.exe /shutdown "Auto-configured backups"
FileBack.exe 6BA923A2 "My Documents" "Office 2000 Templates"
FileBack.exe "Libraries" 7C8A912B "Contact Lists" "Monday Backups"

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