Reseller Program
Maximum Output Software allows most any company to resell FileBack PC.
In fact, no formal reseller agreement is required. Our primary requirement
is that your company be allowed to legally sell software in your area.
What we do is allow you to use the multiple quantity product discount
to your advantage. Maximum Output Software begins discounting its
products with the second license purchased. What we allow, in
turn, is for you to charge up to the full price times the number of
licenses to your customers. The difference becomes your markup.
For example, the Enterprise edition of FileBack PC sells at $55 for a
single license. Two license are sold for $94. This means the
price of the second license is just $39, representing a 30% discount.
Yet you would be allowed to resell the second license for the full $55,
giving you up to a $16 markup on the second license (it's up to you what
you charge your customers as long as it is $55 or less). Each
additional license purchased is less expensive than the last, so the
more you sell the more you make.
The quantity discount continues to apply over time as well. Any
licenses associated with your email address purchased in the last 365
days are applied toward your current discount. So if you order one
license today, then order another two weeks later, the second license
will be charged at the discounted rate as if it had purchased initially.
(However, any time 30 days lapse between purchases a $5 processing fee
(per order) applies, however, so for maximum savings be sure to order
licenses frequently to avoid the fee.)
To resell FileBack PC or any other Maximum Output Software product,
fill out our normal
order form, entering your customer's name in the "Name of Person
Using FileBack PC" field, and their email address in the "Secondary
e-mail address" field. The rest of the data should be yours,
making especially sure that you use the same email address in the
"E-mail address" field to receive your quantity discount.