Over the last twenty years I've built up quite a library of software that I've written for my own use. While much of it is probably only useful to me, a number of things I've created might be useful for others. Instead of keeping them just to myself, I'm making them available as a collection I call DJUtils.
This software is being made available to family, friends, and coworkers. It may be used for any purpose -- personal or business -- if you fall into one of those groups. If you do not, please contact me directly for permission, or for a customized build of the utility you'd like to use.
Since I'm making these available for free, I can't really support them. If you find a bug, please do let me know. But I can't guarantee that I'll fix it.
Unless a specific utility indicates otherwise, please do not distribute any content from this site.
Select a category above for a list of utilities that fall within that category.
Or you can download all of them in one .zip file.
All utilities include an automatic updater, should new versions be made available. Each utility also has a message which is displayed at startup with product information and details on acceptable use.